The Art of Photography.

As much as a photograph's physical features are essential, every photo's strong emotional connections stay with us forever! Life events we have experienced, and the visual representations in our hands of a photograph are something we cherish throughout our life. Here, I combine my love for writing and photography/videography in this blog and strive to provide you with the most helpful and intuitive information available within the photography/videography industry today.

Toronto, Landscape Harneak Burmi Toronto, Landscape Harneak Burmi

See it to Believe it

The sound of ice crackling was like the sound of gnawing at potato chips, whirlpooling back and forth in a large body of saliva. Housed inside the comforting soles of my sneakers, my awfully bulky and bleached-esque faded feet were savagely being nibbled away at by the strikingly impermeable and carnivore resembling aroma of frosty air. This kindled a crave within me to spawn albatross-like wings and migrate to the majestic coastal sea lines of Costa Rica.

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Toronto, Urban Harneak Burmi Toronto, Urban Harneak Burmi

Rain, Rain, Can You Stay?

January 1st, 2021. My eyes were glued to the myriad volume of raindrops feverishly running down the windshield while situated in our parked vehicle, like tears rolling down a child’s pudgy cheeks from the stingingly poignant scent of raw onions being chopped up. We stepped outside the vehicle, stood upright, and looked both ways. Utter and complete desolation, reminiscent of a ghost town. Not a single soul drifted across my cramped vision. I thought to myself, what an astounding moment in time this is.

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Toronto, Urban Harneak Burmi Toronto, Urban Harneak Burmi

Somber Sights on a Saturday Night

Many may look at this image and see an eccentric combination of leading lines that congregate along vertical and horizontal gravitational boundaries. Many may regard the presentation of multiple three-dimensional structures to be quite magnifying and others may contend the asymmetrical positioning to be quite offsetting.

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