The Art of Photography.

As much as a photograph's physical features are essential, every photo's strong emotional connections stay with us forever! Life events we have experienced, and the visual representations in our hands of a photograph are something we cherish throughout our life. Here, I combine my love for writing and photography/videography in this blog and strive to provide you with the most helpful and intuitive information available within the photography/videography industry today.

Toronto, Nature Harneak Burmi Toronto, Nature Harneak Burmi

2020: End of the Line

Blink. I found myself sandwiched in the center of bustling oncoming traffic, facing east towards a Petro Canada gas station as my quivering lower extremities aimlessly fought to uphold the entirety of my 170-pound frame. The perpetual supremacy put on display by frigid blasts of arctic air, splattering across my facial skin like invisible paint, transformed my face from a blank white canvas into a valentine-esque combination of flushing and flirtatious pink and red.

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