The Art of Photography.

As much as a photograph's physical features are essential, every photo's strong emotional connections stay with us forever! Life events we have experienced, and the visual representations in our hands of a photograph are something we cherish throughout our life. Here, I combine my love for writing and photography/videography in this blog and strive to provide you with the most helpful and intuitive information available within the photography/videography industry today.

United Kingdom, Urban Harneak Burmi United Kingdom, Urban Harneak Burmi

Flight Fever: Toronto to London (Part One)

I love traveling. But I loathe airplanes and everything associated with them. That includes being packed in like a can of sardines, forcing your legs to suffocate in the small amount of space underneath the seat in front of you (even worse if you’re taller than six feet), the unpredictable moments of turbulence that make your heart race a mile/minute, and the excruciating sound of a 3-year-old child weeping and kicking the seat behind you. I had a feeling that my flight was going to include all of those things and more.  

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Vancouver, Landscape Harneak Burmi Vancouver, Landscape Harneak Burmi

How To Overcome Your Fears? (Part Two)

The initial lunge over the mammoth-like boulder had distorted my balance, like an amateur tight rope walker. The sturdy wooden stairsteps provided a firm platform for me to cement my footing however, each subsequent step felt meters away from the one preceding it. Each overarching lunge induced flashbacks of my grueling leg workout just days prior. The thought of possibly having to tow my dilapidated body out of bed the next morning began to intimidate me. As I tried to steer clear from these thoughts, I sternly reminded myself, do not let this be your motivation.

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Vancouver, Landscape Harneak Burmi Vancouver, Landscape Harneak Burmi

How To Overcome Your Fears? (Part One)

“CAUTION: This trail is NOT a walk in the park!” These were the words plastered, in bolded letters, at the very top of the information board, situated at the entrance of a forest embroiled, narrowly composed tunnel like, gravel trail. On the top left-hand corner was a “BC Parks” logo. How amusing, I thought as I broke out a fragmented smirk. As we proceeded through the vastly abandoned campground towards the trailhead, another caution sign, with what appeared to be a silhouette of an awfully rotund and bulky canine, had clutched onto my attention. The words beneath the ominous figure read, “BEAR IN AREA.”

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Toronto, Nature Harneak Burmi Toronto, Nature Harneak Burmi

2020: End of the Line

Blink. I found myself sandwiched in the center of bustling oncoming traffic, facing east towards a Petro Canada gas station as my quivering lower extremities aimlessly fought to uphold the entirety of my 170-pound frame. The perpetual supremacy put on display by frigid blasts of arctic air, splattering across my facial skin like invisible paint, transformed my face from a blank white canvas into a valentine-esque combination of flushing and flirtatious pink and red.

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Seattle, Landscape Harneak Burmi Seattle, Landscape Harneak Burmi

The Moment I Said “Holy S***!”

Thursday May 16th, 2019. Approximately 9:00am PST. Camera gear, check. Flimsy cellphone, check. Deflated wallet, check. Toronto Raptors affiliated hoodie and core classic black 9TWENTY adjustable hat, check (that one is a no-brainer). All that was left was for my cousin to waltz down into the garage, ignite the engine of his 2015 Honda Civic, and we would be off to the races.

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Vancouver, Landscape Harneak Burmi Vancouver, Landscape Harneak Burmi

The Gate to Reassuring Renaissance

Sunday August 9th, 2015. Approximately 10:15pm. The palpitating sounds of ire raindrops plummeting the grim like surface mixed in with the rambunctious echo of swirling thunder clouds and the menacing melody promulgated by scathing wind currents walloping at the mercy of tyrannical climatic overlords, gave me the impression that the man upstairs was not too happy.

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